Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 5: Movie Posters and Midterm Evals

I will be doing mid-term evaluations from your blogs beginning Friday, May 1. Please have everything up to date, including reflections for all assigned readings, your Image-Text Hunt, your Mail Art project and your movie poster research.)

On Tuesday we will finish our discussion of POL Chapter 4, Realism and Perspective and take a look at a couple of the "realist" movie clips mentioned in the text (see Resource Links on sidebar) and survey some of the sample movie posters you have collected.

Then we will work in small groups to brainstorm an imaginary movie that would for you embody an episteme (or two) of our time. A good way to start is to make a list of things (events, trends, issues, technology, images etc.) that you think are respresentative of the end of the first decade of the 21st century. Then use these to cobble together a brief summary or synposis of your movie. (Be democratic!) These do not need to be very long but should have basic information about plot, character, setting. Looking at the online summaries of the movies we have viewed in class may help. Synopsis due on Thursday, 4/30.

Once you have a synopsis to work from, each one of you will design your own movie poster (11"x17") to visually represent your group's proposed film. You may use collage, drawing, painting, photo, digital means or any combination. Think about what our text says about how the manner in which things are reprsented says something about the era that creates those representations.Consider how each element in your poster conveys something about your "film truth" and, by extension, the "truth" of our era.

Finished poster due Tuesday, May 5.

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